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Sable Herb Organization

Free Fund




Geographic Focus


Sable Herb Organization (SAHO) is a Women, Youth and Elderly Organization, working to  benefit  marginalized  Children,  Girls,  Women,  Youth,  People  living  with  HIV/AIDS, Widows, Elderly, People with Disabilities (PWDs) and Key and Priority Population. The Organization exists to provide Sound Advocacy on Women and Girls’ Rights, HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive  Health  and  Rights  (SRHR)  Services, Combating and Prevention of Gender Based Violence, Supporting Most Vulnerable Children (MVC), Youth, Widows and Elderly, Empowerment Programs and Environmental Conservation.

THE FREE FUND will enable SAHO to establish long-term investment in the adolescent girls and young  women  (AGYW), through Orange  Fleshed  Sweet  Potato  (OFSP)  value addition to produce OFSP Flour and Animal feeds, and hence economically empowerment, sustainable income, access to jobs and livelihoods improvement for the target 240 adolescent girls and young women. The project will also enhance the access to HIV and SRH information and services, and the provision of safe spaces for adolescent mothers and key and priority populations to receive training on early childhood development/responsive care-giving.

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